Oral Surgery, Wisdom Teeth & Extractions

Teeth that are infected, severely broken down, or present problems with crowding and eruption may need to be removed. O’Kane Dental Care provides a complete range of oral surgery options. From removal of baby teeth that interfere with normal tooth eruption to taking out wisdom teeth, we have the facilities and training to quickly and painlessly provide treatment.

Complex surgical preparation of patients for dentures is also a service we provide. 


Bone grafting can be done at the time of extraction, preserving areas for dental implants or to support the remaining teeth. 

This video shows you how a bone graft repairs bone loss in the jaw and restores its original strength and stability.

This video shows you the multiple ways a wisdom tooth can become impacted when there is not enough room for it to emerge, and the necessity for treating it.


We offer options for aiding patients during treatment such as nitrous oxide, and/or sedation.